Treatments & Price List

Fee Denplan Fee
Consultation for Dental Implants, Invisalign Orthodontics and Denplan. (*offer)

Covers Personalised advice and assessment.
Free Free
Emergency Appointment
During the Working Hours

Including over the phone and FaceTime appointments.
£65 Free
Invisalign Orthodontics Full £3950 £3895
Routine Examination £45 New Patients £65

Covers Covers an examination, diagnosis and advice.
If necessary, this also includes X-rays, medications and planning for further treatment.
£65 Free
Emergency Treatment
not During the Working Hours

If necessary, this includes X-rays.
£145 Free
Consultation for Second Opinion £95 Free
Hygienist Session per Appointment £78 Free

If necessary, this includes medication,
dressings and a review appointment.
from £125 Free
Surgical Extraction or Wisdom Tooth Extraction

If necessary, this includes medication, dressings
and review appointment.
£185 Free
Amalgam (silver) Fillings Small £85
Medium £105
Large £125
Composite (white) Fillings from: Small £125
Medium £165
Large £185
Direct White Composite Veneer £325 £175
Direct White Composite Onlay (chair side build up) £245 Free
Root Canal Treatment £695 Free
Re-Root Canal Treatment £795 £695
Crown Porcelain Bonded to Metal £585 £165
Crown Full Ceramic £685 £210
Ceramic Veneer £485 £415
Bridge per unit £395 £185 per unit
Resin Retained Bridge or Maryland Bridge from:

Includes one tooth
£685 £185
Full Set of Denture Upper or Lower £685 £325
Full set of Upper & Lower Denture £1,425 £625
Chrome Cobalt Partial Denture £925 £475
Acrylic Partial Denture £685 £325
Reline or Repair or Addition of a Tooth £115 £95
Tooth Whitening

If necessary, this also includes a hygienist session..
£395 £285
Night Guard Mouth guard Sport Guard Retainer £185 £95
The Sleep Clench Inhibitor Plus (SCi+®) £425 £325
Dental Implant £1985 £1875
Bone graft £350 Free
(If medically
Over Denture Implant Retained

Includes surgical placement of two dental implants and
making a new implant retained over denture from start to finish.
£3950 £3345
NHS treatment

We also offer NHS dental treatment. For more information about NHS charges, please see the NHS charges page.

Please note

* We understand that in one document we are not able to include every treatment and procedure that we offer. Please contact the practice if you need to know the price of a procedure that you can not find in this list.


* No additional charge will be made by your dentist when a restoration (filling, root filling, onlay, porcelain veneer or crown) has to be repaired or replaced within 12 months. If the restoration fails within 12 months, your dentist will carry out any work needed to repair or replace the restoration free of charge.


Please note that this will not apply if, within the 12-month period another dentist has carried out any treatment on the same tooth that has been restored, or the patient was advised at the time of the restoration that it was temporary or a different restoration was more appropriate, but the patient insisted on a different form of restoration, or the repair or restoration is a result of trauma

As a practice that always strives to give our patients the best possible treatment we understand that your feedback is critical. We have policies in place and are dedicated to continuing our commitment to you, the patient, and ensuring that your ideas and comments are listened to and acted upon.